DO for the day (:

I. Compassion Pt 2

And as she came of age, a piece of her past youth was lost. What was once a living, breathing emotion had now faded into a deadened memory that was shelved into her mind and away from her heart.

But this past experience would now show the way ahead, with new-found clarity and wisdom.

A teddy bear still sits by the corner of her room. She used to spend time to play with it, but such was a thing of the past. Once in a while, she would still glance at it, but with a nonchalant stare so very unlike the affectionate gaze of the little girl I used to know.

'Could I ever awaken the little girl in her once again?' I once asked the teddy bear. It remained silent, as if sneering at my naivety. Little did I realise that I was speaking to an empty shell, whose soul had drifted away the moment the little girl stepped out of her room to face the outside world.

II. An Ethereal Encounter

An indescribable uncertainty disturbed the inner peace within me last week. It grew to paranoia, and caused a throbbing migraine that kept recurring non-stop. Thankfully, the pain was mitigated by the momentary drug of distraction, and finally healed by faith and much prayer.

I will not shed a tear, nor shudder with fear, when the grimreaper wraps his arm around your shoulder and beckons you to pass on. Instead, I will applause for the good deeds you had done on earth, and celebrate with you on your transition to a sinless, perfect after-life.

III. One-oh-five

It's been quite a long time since I've stayed up this late. But it's quiet now, and I'm the DO for the day - two wonderfully helpful ingredients that can make great blog posts.

A day of smiles over frowns

Fond memories and present joy, when sewn together, make a timeless jewel that sparkles like a diamond in never-ending rough.